YourRide - NZ’s No.1 taxi app

Rotorua Taxis has partnered with YourRide to enable seamless booking, tracking and payment.

YourRide provides nationwide coverage with 2,000 taxis from Whangarei to Invercargill.

Schedule a trip up to 7 days in advance.

It’s important to support businesses that contribute to the economy by paying their fair share of taxes. YourRide is a 100% Kiwi-owned business paying its fair share of tax.

How It Works

  1. Download the YourRide App. Available on iOS and Android.
  2. Select Destination.
  3. Get a fare estimate.
  4. Book on demand or in advance. Get a fare estimate before you book.
  5. Track Your Trip. Know exactly when your driver will arrive.
  6. Rate Your Experience. Your feedback keeps us at the top of our game.

Download YourRide from the app store.

Google Play
Apple App Store
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